Residential identification surveys are essential for all home buyers and those thinking about renovating or extending. These comprehensive surveys analyse not only your property boundaries but include existing structures, trees, and other surface or subterranean features. These are key points for builders to be aware of, and ensure your home build or renovation can be completed safely, legally, and with respect to your current property boundaries. A project should not begin without the proper survey and data analysis.
What Are Residential Land Surveys?
When buying a home or an empty area of land, residential land surveys ensure accurate measurements of a plot’s boundaries so you can know precisely what you’re buying. This type of information is vital for a buyer or builder to be certain the property is not encroaching on a neighbouring property or vice versa. It also enables accurate tax assessments and helps prevent legal troubles in the future. In other words, a residential land survey for a potential buyer ensures that a property has no “hidden issues”—at least not in terms of property lines. Want to save yourself money and stress for the future? Get a residential land survey when buying a home!
When Do I Need A Land Survey?
When Land is Purchased
When purchasing a parcel of land, an identification survey will be needed. This common type of residential survey ensures your land is free of any encroachments and assesses all existing buildings for compliance.
Dividing Property
When an existing property is divided into smaller parcels for sale, a survey will allow for the proper division of the land and ensure each parcel remains separate and complete. Leslie and Thompson can assist in preparing and lodging the Development Application with Council, as well as carry out any specialist reports that may be needed.
If a property is to be developed, a survey must take place to ensure that all construction plans comply with the existing land boundaries. A great example is when a homeowner plans to install a fence on the borders of his property. A professional survey can show the property owner the exact boundaries, allowing him or her to know precisely where the fence should be placed.
Other Circumstances
There are a variety of other instances when you might need a survey. For example, in an event such as property trespassing, there are times when a court may ask for a land survey as legal evidence. This can be a valuable document in negating or confirming a trespassing claim. Professional surveyors also handle diverse projects such as tunnel building and mining exploration. At Leslie & Thompson, we regularly work on major construction projects, providing surveying work as well as detailed advice and information to architects, engineers, and project managers.
Avoiding Costly Errors
No matter your position (buyer, seller, developer, contractor), a land survey can mean the difference between a successful project and an expensive mistake. The most minor inaccuracies can have dire consequences when it comes to land and building development. It is therefore absolutely necessary to take the time to obtain the proper survey data before beginning work on a project.
A land surveyor’s findings, measurements, and data become an integral part of your construction project, property purchase decision, or subdivision design plan. The work of the land surveyor is vital. Without their expert input, a minor mistake or a factor ignored could result in an error costing thousands of dollars to rectify. In some cases, it could even mean the total dissolution of a project. Don’t leave your investments and property work to chance. Get a survey when you need it.